
The Dusty Road

Fall so in love with Him that you are moved by what is on His heart – those who are forgotten, hurting, and wounded.

This song was written in the dust of Africa. We were in a worship service in Pemba, Mozambique. I was worshipping in the open sandy area of the worship tent and was gripped by the dusty sand and those who live in the dirt. As I walked, I sensed God had a song to share with me. I hurried back to my seat and got out my paper, pen and audio recorder. I could hardly believe it, but I was receiving a full song, words and melody together, as fast as I could sing it into my recorder, as worship music was loud around me. I felt like I was in my own little closet with the Lord despite all the other sounds around me! It was truly a wonderful moment.

The amount of people 'left for dead' in Africa is astounding. The dust on my feet (symbolizing living life with others in the dirt) seemed like such a small sacrifice all of a sudden in light of what God could accomplish through it. We can all find ways to be a part of things that are making a lasting impact on the things that really matter!

This life is dust. It is fleeting. Time passes so quickly. I want my life to count. I want to spend it on giving God glory and loving those He loves. When the dust settles, that's all that's going to matter.

Along the dusty road :: Where few have dared to tread :: There lie the ones I love :: The ones left for dead :: Will you follow My path :: Though your feet will dusty be :: And reach the ones I love :: With the truth to set them free :: When all is said and done :: And only dust remains :: You’ll see the dusty road :: Has glorified My Name